It was our first time in Croatia and we enjoyed visiting Zagreb and dancing in DSE competition organized by Plesni Club SPIN a lot. Competition was shortly after we had won Lithuanian championship and Zagreb Dance Grand Prix 2022 started our beautiful journey of preparation to world championships. Happy to come back soon!
Maša Kastelic, Slovenia
ZGDP champion LA 2022
Competition in Zagreb we will for sure remember as an competition with amazing energy and hospitality of people around. Audience was just on fire!!This competition is really made for dancers. Thank you organizers for this baeutiful event, and see you in May!
Jhinuk Alvares and Vlad Pop, India
Couple from India
We would like to appreciate the amazing experience we had last year at the Zagreb Gand Prix 2022. As a couple from India, we felt a very warm and welcoming environment. The event was fantastic and we are looking forward to attending the next series and seeing everyone at the fabulous dancing experience!
Dance club Samobor, Croatia
Athletes, coaches, parents..we are all looking forward to come to ZDGP because, in addition to having the opportunity to compete with the best, we have the opportunity to watch the top dance performance of athletes from all over the world.
Nenad Kirčanski, Serbia
Phenomenal atmosphere, great organization, always smiling faces in the organizing team. The quality of the competition is at a high level. Happy to be part of the event as judge.
Maida Tursunović, Brčko
Plesačica SPK Mambo Brčko
Plesne pripreme su već krenule. Slatke brige da li će koreografije oduševiti sudije i da li će baš ta boja kostima izgledati fantastično na plesnom podiju Zagreba. Ovaj događaj me uvijek asocira na iskrenu ljubav, puno osmijeha i gostoprimstva, koji uvijek budi osjećaj topline i dobre zabave. Zagreb i jeste moj drugi dom. Na taj dan sve brige nestanu i vrijeme stane. Postojimo samo mi, plesači koji smo kao jedna velika porodica. Kročenjem na taj plesni podij, osjećam kao da je sve moguće. Korak za korakom, ples za plesom, medalja za medaljom. Radujem se Zagrebu i ove 2023. Da potvrdimo da nas sve spaja ljubav za plesom. Da pokažemo koliko je svaki plesač poseban na svoj način, dok priča priču svojim pokretima. Zagrebe, iščekujem te, da ti radosno doputujem i dokažem da se snovi ostvaruju.
Filip Debelec, Croatia
Coach DC Top Step - Sisak
Zagreb Dance Grand Prix is a tournament that all our dancers are always happy to visit. Not just because of the friendly atmosphere, but because of the multitude of dancers from Croatia, the region, and even the world. The organizer even makes sure that the coaches are neither hungry nor thirsty all day, because some of them are by the podium with their athletes from 7 am until the end at 10 pm. Certainly a competition not to be missed and where Sisak not only feels welcome but also a part of Spin's family!
Petra Jeričević, ŠPK Samobor
Trenerica i predsjednica ŠPK Samobor
ZDGP je natjecanje kojem se plesači i plesačice kao i treneri ŠPK Samobor jako vesele jer je organizacija na vrhunskoj razini, i između ostalog, osim što sportaši imaju priliku natjecati se u jakoj konkurenciji, ali isto tako i pogledati odlične parove i natjecatelje iz cijelog svijeta.